For immediate release: May 14, 2018
Contact: Sandy Valenciano, [email protected] | (510) 285-6965
Healthcare Access is a Necessity for the Undocumented Community
The following statement is in response to Gov. Jerry Brown’s May Revision of the State Budget and its effect on healthcare for immigrants. It is issued by the UndocuHealth Leaders Coalition which includes – California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance (CIYJA), Street Level Health Project, Latino Coalition for Healthy California, ASPIRE, PH.D Dreamers, Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Collective, Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice, UPLIFT.
SACRAMENTO, CA — As community organizations, we stand together to heed an extension of healthcare rights to undocumented youth under the age of 25 put forward by the California assembly. Yet, we remain steadfast in our efforts to include all undocumented Californians, especially our elder population.
It is vital to recognize that as essential members of California’s community, undocumented people of all ages have the human right to access health care. Given the current political landscape, our communities face extreme trauma impacting our physical and mental health.
In California, immigrants are a vital part of our communities and families. It is unconscionable to believe that one of the wealthiest and most diverse states in the nation is not able to provide for the health of all of its people. Our first priority should lie in the preservation and well-being of all Californians regardless of immigration status and age.
We call a commitment from the state legislature and the governor to prioritize the expansion of health coverage to all undocumented people so that we can live and thrive with dignity.